Friday, August 9, 2013

Fall planting

So last night I took my middle son (age:7) out to dinner, and while we were out I took the opportunity to get some seeds. No planning, no strategy, just picked up some seed packets of various lettuce varieties, with visions of freshly picked salads this fall, and in hopes of actually being able to grow something this year at our new house. My husband thinks I'm a little crazy planting so late, and he's probably right. Especially without an actual plan. Now, I've mentioned (ok complained) about the clay, rocks, and slope of the yard. The previous owners actually did do some landscaping, particularly in the front and a bit down one side, so not all the soil is awful. That being said, I did not prepare the soil at all. I'm doubtful anything will actually grow, but hey - you never know, I may get lucky. And when I win the lottery I'll let you know! Happy Friday!

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